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Understand How Cybersecurity Can Help Your Business

Currently, it is impossible to think about management, processes ( BI ), and many daily activities within companies without thinking about using the internet. And, of course, with all these applications, you must be careful with possible invasions and digital crimes, with the help of cybersecurity!

With this in mind, we created this complete article on the importance of using cybersecurity. Follow along, and happy reading!

But Do You Know What Cybersecurity Is?

Cybersecurity is a set of technological measures that protect computers, networks, programs, and data from any suspicious and undue invasion that causes harm to individuals and companies.

While companies take care of the security of their budget and physical facilities, cybersecurity is used to protect the actions of the online world.

Thanks to the great use of technology in malicious websites, hackers, and online crimes, it has become increasingly guided within companies worldwide.

Having networks and systems invaded can cause a lot of damage, such as data loss, passwords, identity theft, exposure of sensitive information, and data manipulation, among other problems, which can sometimes be irreversible.

Cybersecurity As An Ally For Business 

Investing in cybersecurity is essential to protect your assets and information from digital attacks and other benefits that can arise from this investment. Let’s see what they are. 

Prevents Data Compromise

Data protection is a top cybersecurity issue. Thus, protecting confidential information, whether of the company or customers, is essential for the functioning of organizations. In addition, it is crucial to understand the need for this topic; after all, many companies consider cybersecurity an expense and not a suitable investment.

Therefore, by understanding that data is essential and needs to be secure, cybersecurity makes perfect sense, regardless of the area and size of an enterprise.

Reliability Of Information

Another point is that cybersecurity makes files reliable and relevant; after all, through the tools used in its implementation, it is possible to collect, store data and perceive change records. If information is maliciously altered to cause harm, errors and changes are quickly identified, and system corrections can be made.

Assurance Of The Most Strategic IT Area

It is possible to reduce risks from security actions, which saves time for your technology team to solve unforeseen events, in addition to helping to focus on strategic activities and automating some issues regarding the system.

Competitive Advantage Over The Market

With so many cases of information leaks and compromises of sensitive data, customers are becoming more concerned with digital security, looking for companies that are responsible for their data. Thus, cybersecurity is a way of being ahead of competitors. It complies with the LGPD (General Data Protection Law) and ensures greater prominence for the company, positively in the market, and updated with existing scenarios.

Tips To Protect Your Business With Cybersecurity

Now that you know the importance of cybersecurity, we can list some tips on implementing cybersecurity actions! Come on?

  • Use Email Authentication.
  • Have internal security and privacy policy;
  • Create training routines for employees;
  • Establish good practices for password management;
  • Do a Cyber ​​Risk Mapping;
  • Create a continuous Vulnerability Management process;
  • Define protection mechanisms based on Risk Mapping;
  • Create an Incident Response process.

The  Personal Data Protection Law will impact all businesses that collect personal data from individuals. Suppose, due to your business; you usually collect data such as full name, CPF, e-mail, residential address, location data, IP address, credit card data, or any other data that allows you to individualize a person or any information related to the individual. In that case, you and your company will be subject to the LGPD.

This information is considered “personal data” for law enforcement purposes. For this Law, personal data used to form the behavioral profile of a particular individual, if identified, may also be considered personal data.

Thus, before collecting such data, you must clearly and transparently inform the individual what data will be collected from him and the purpose for which it will be used. There must be a relationship between the data collected and the services provided so that the individual can express, in writing, their consent to such uses of their data.

Also Read: What Is Phishing, And How To Protect Your Data From This Threat

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