Cloud Computing Write For Us to Tech Gloss and contribute a guest article regarding Cloud Computing and many more cloud computing-related topics. So, we take immense pleasure to facilitate a fabulous favor to all the present-day writers to ‘write for us Cloud Computing ’ and share their grasp on topics related to Cloud Computing.
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About Cloud Computing: Cloud computing describes both the use and the provision of a wide variety of IT services over a network. This process worked dynamically and adapted to the needs of the user. What exactly does that mean? The basis of cloud computing is the internet or intranet as a platform. Connections to external servers via which various applications are made available are established via the network. Among other things, the possibility of data storage or software applications is meant here.
The user no longer has to buy the various IT services (software, platform services, infrastructure services) himself but can use these services via the cloud, i.e. rent them. Cloud computing thus lowers the customer’s IT area costs since the cost-intensive investments are no longer necessary, and only variable costs arise during use. In addition, workloads can be outsourced – from the personal hard drive to the shared cloud.
The cloud services providers build on a flexible and service-based business model generally referred to as “Everything-as-a-Service” (EaaS). Depending on which IT resources the service is concerned with, the essential areas of cloud computing can be divided into:
• Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
• Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
• Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
Cloud Computing Write For Us – Contribute A Guest Post On Cloud Computing Related Topics
- Big Data
- DevOps
- Cloud Cryptography
- Cloud Load Balancing
- Mobile Cloud Computing
- Green Cloud Computing
- Edge Computing
- Containerization
- Cloud Deployment Model
- Cloud Security
- Load Balancing
- Cloud Analytics
- Cloud Computing Platforms
- Cloud Service Model
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