Data Literacy: How To Implement It In The Company?

Although data literacy is already part of the daily lives of many companies, many managers are still looking for information and strategies to put it into practice. Is this your case? Then this post was made for you!

In such a competitive market, every step must be very well planned. This means that the time of making decisions based on guesswork is behind us! Next, you discover what data literacy is, how it works, its importance, and how to apply it in your company. 

What Is Data Literacy?

The term refers to the ability to understand, work with, analyze, treat, and communicate through data. That is a complex process that is based on well-founded decision-making.

In the modern world, almost every company has data at its disposal. However, collecting so much information wastes time if your employees must learn how to exploit it fully.

Therefore, data literacy will teach them to see the immensity of numbers and words with different eyes. Much more than understanding them, it is necessary to invest in critical analysis and questioning, focusing on solving problems.

How Does It Work?

No one disagrees that data is a real road map to business success. They are an important source for innovative ideas and continuous improvement of any business’s processes.

This is only possible when they are properly interpreted and used. In a simple analogy, it’s like giving a book to an illiterate person — he may be interested in the images and even strive to extract something positive from it, but only reading would make him understand everything.

Just think of data literacy as a skill set to understand how it works. Thus, it can be divided into three pillars:

  • knowledge in data literacy — it is important to hire and train employees for this methodology;
  • data-driven decision-making — companies need to be data-driven ;
  • data dispersion — all industries and employees must be able to turn data into opportunities.

How To Work On Data Literacy In The Company?

Digital transformation is already a reality, and technology evolves quickly and overwhelmingly. Today, it’s hard to find a company that doesn’t perform some automated process or has access to data daily.

This scenario raises the need to promote data literacy and to take advantage of the full potential of databases and the information generated at all times. If you already understand the importance of this but need to know where to start, don’t worry because we’ve selected some good practices to implement this idea as soon as possible in your daily life. See below!

Start With The Basics

Starting this movement seems complicated, but the truth is that you have to take one step at a time. Start with the basics, which is communication. In other words, educate your employees on the importance and power of data, but be compelling and help them understand how being data literate makes their everyday lives simpler and more efficient.

Establish How To Start

It must be borne in mind that investing in data tools helps to democratize access to strategic information, but it does not mean that employees will know how to use them in favor of the company.

For this reason, it is necessary to establish an action schedule, defining the collaborators and sectors that will be literate first. Therefore, choose leaders and employees with an aptitude for learning and passing on what they know, as this will facilitate the whole process.

Segment Your Team

Team segmentation is an interesting strategy to promote data literacy within the company. The idea is to separate groups and sectors according to their demands and difficulties, making learning faster and more effective.

But it is worth remembering that the technique is not limited to a group of collaborators. After all, everyone is a data creator — when they send emails, enter a password to access the system, or register information about the customer.

Formalize The Literacy Program

It is essential to formalize your business’s data literacy program. Given its importance, only data-driven companies will stand out and exploit market opportunities.

offer training

There is a gap between experts and employees who deal with data daily and must turn it into insights, but this can be bridged through training.

All hierarchical levels in the company must have, at a minimum, a basic understanding of the concept of data. Likewise, they need to learn to interpret and use information that relates to their role and can make them more productive.

Also Read: Data Security: How To Guarantee It In Your Company

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