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About Firewall: A firewall is a system that can analyze data traffic. It protects IT systems from attacks or unauthorized access. The firewall can be designed as dedicated hardware or as a software component.
The term describes an IT system that can analyze, forward, or block data traffic. This enables the firewall to recognize and prevent unwanted access to a system. Individual computers, servers, or entire IT environments can be protected with a firewall.
Every firewall consists of a software component that can read and evaluate network packets. The rules governing which data packets are allowed through and which are to be blocked can be defined within this software. The software can be installed on the hardware component to be protected itself or on separate hardware intended only for the firewall.
In the second case, the firewall is also referred to as an external or hardware firewall. Firewalls are often placed at network boundaries between an internal and an external network. At this central point, you control the incoming and outgoing data traffic.
Firewall Write For Us – Contribute A Guest Post On Firewall Related Topics
- Proxy firewall
- Stateful inspection firewall
- Unified threat management (UTM) firewall
- Next-generation firewall (NGFW)
- Threat-focused NGFW
- Virtual firewall
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