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Proven Sales Channels For New Online Retailers

Retailers who operate an online shop must also inevitably deal with the appropriate sales channels and strategies. The media on which they sell their products play a significant role, especially for new online retailers.

In the first step, they must get an overview of the standard sales channels and then develop a profitable sales strategy.

The Different Distribution Channels

Sales channels through which the products are sold to the customer are referred to as sales channels. In principle, these do not only exist in the Internet world. Of course, the offline world also offers many different ways for online retailers to get their products out to people. Which sales channel is most suitable depends heavily on the individual product, the marketing strategy, the budget, and the personal creativity of the retailer.

Of course, a direct sales channel for online retailers is their online shop. This is the point of sale where the customer’s order is ultimately placed. The other channels are mostly indirect sales channels, mainly advertising and informative so that the customer visits the online shop as a result.

Social Networks As A Distribution Channel

Social networks are more popular these days than ever before. There are hardly any people who are not on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. They exchange messages, share videos and pictures on these platforms, and, of course, their opinions on specific products and services.

Retailers must recognize the value of social networks and use them profitably for their purposes. These channels play a crucial role, especially in branding and product distribution. To find exemplary brand ambassadors, we recommend using influencer marketing platforms such 

Within the sales channels, the social networks are still relatively new. Using the platforms requires empathy and particular sensitivity. Nevertheless, sales can be optimized through attractive product presentations, articles tailored to the target group, and a great brand image.

But not only can new customers be addressed via social networks, but the maintenance of existing customers via these channels also plays a role. Managing customers who have already purchased products and have now become followers or fans on social media sites is extremely promising. This is an essential tool for customer loyalty, especially if content with a high added value is made available in addition to the product recommendations.

Marketplaces On The Internet

Online retailers, in particular, who have not been in business for very long, ask themselves whether the products should also be offered on online marketplaces such as eBay or Amazon. In any case, these marketplaces have the potential to increase sales on a large scale – provided the prices for the products are competitive.

Of course, there are some fees associated with selling products through these marketplaces. However, it must also be noted here that many other costs in  ​​​​marketing are eliminated through this sales channel.

However, the marketplaces have the disadvantage of online retailers bowing to the given algorithms and regulations. It is often not transparent how and whether a product is presented on the site.

The Organic Search In The Search Engines

The search engines are also an attractive sales channel for online retailers. It is, therefore, all the more critical that the products offered, or the online shop, are displayed in the top positions in the search engine. However, meticulousness, specialist knowledge, and some work in the SEO area are necessary to achieve such a good ranking within the search results.

The online shop must therefore be optimized for search engines such as Google. Suppose the online shop operator does not have any knowledge of SEO. In that case, some costs may be incurred for the optimization. The search engines are a highly dynamic channel that requires a lot of effort to achieve good rankings. However, search engines should not be neglected. SEO should be included in the marketing mix.

The Paid Results In The Search Engines

The opposite of organic search is the paid ads within the search engine. These fall under the SEA area. Here it is possible to book keywords or individual keyword groups with the search engines. There are costs per click. How high the costs for a click depends on how many competing companies are in the respective area and what the competition pays the maximum prices.

Through the sales channel of the paid ads within the search engine, high sales can sometimes be generated in a short time. However, a corresponding budget must also be available for this. This way of sales has a very high potential since customers often use search ads when specifically looking for specific products.

Many different sales channels should be used to avoid becoming too dependent on a single sales channel. A strategic combination of various sales channels is the be-all and end-all here.

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