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About Proxy: A proxy server is connected between the user and the network resources he visits (usually websites and other Internet offers). So users do not go directly to the Internet but via the proxy.
Proxy Usage: This Is How It Works
If you want to go online via a proxy, you can enter its IP address directly in the browser. This works differently depending on the browser; However, instructions for all common browsers such as Internet Explorer and Google Chrome can be found on the Internet.
Some proxies can be accessed directly from a website, such as The metasearch engine Ixquick, designed for data protection, processes all search queries via a proxy.
Other proxies work through browser plug-ins. For example, the proxy service “Stealthy,” which is quite powerful, offers plug-ins for Chrome and Firefox.
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- Stock Buybacks and Dividends
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- Focus on Both Board and C-Suite Diversity
- Director Overboarding an Increasing Investor Concern
- Status of SEC Proposed Rulemaking
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