Valuable Tips For A Successful Email Marketing Strategy

E-commerce companies and online shops use their email subscription to draw attention to new products and offers and present information about their own company. The success of the inexpensive direct marketing tool can be precisely measured. With the right strategy, you can use newsletters specifically for your brand strategy and distribution and sales channel.

The Most Important Key Figures At A Glance

Who reads marketing news attentively and always comes back on contributions that the end for the newsletter in times of social media marketing is prognostic. But the opposite is the case. Email marketing is one of the best channels for reaching the target group and creating incentives to buy. A long-term customer relationship is established. 

So that the newsletters do not end up in the trash immediately, companies should put on customer glasses and consider target group needs when designing and selecting topics. The marketing tool is dynamic, and the guidelines and interests of the subscribers are constantly changing. With these tips, a customer-centered and successful newsletter design succeeds.

Software tools simplify layout design, recipient management, and editorial planning. 

In addition, newsletter software makes it easier for you to track the critical figures for individual campaigns. The opening rate indicates how many recipients open the newsletter as a percentage. A tracking pixel is built into the email. This image is downloaded when it is opened and thus registers the number of openings. Some email clients block the automatic download of images for security reasons. Therefore, the key figure is a little lower than it is. If you want to make the emails exciting and effective in advertising, write short teaser texts with a call-to-action linking to websites.

 The aim is to generate traffic for the webshop or landing pages. That is why the click rate is one of the most critical metrics. As with the opening rate, all clicks per email address or individual clicks can be considered. In this way, the real success of the email campaign and the quality of the newsletter distribution become visible. The unsubscribe rate shows how many people the newsletter is not relevant to. Values ​​below one percent are ideal. Use a form to ask about the reasons for deregistering specifically. This helps to adapt the newsletter to customer needs better.

The bounce rate provides information on returns, i.e., the number of undeliverable emails. Filtering for hard and soft bounces makes sense since soft bounces can only be temporarily undelivered. In the case of hard bounces, the email address is incorrect. The delivery rate is calculated by subtracting the bounce rate from the total amount of emails sent. The dispatch server has a significant influence on the key figure. Suppose mail providers manage the server with a spam classification, the bounce rate increases.

 A goal is set beforehand for every email marketing campaign. This can be checked with the conversion rate. Examples of goals are downloading a whitepaper, placing an order, or submitting a product and service review. More detailed vital figures such as the most clicked links and the average reading time help better align the content’s quality with the recipients. A read time of just a few seconds shows that the content does not arouse interest. Software solutions for email marketing contain integrated analysis tools.

Tips For A Convincing Newsletter Concept

Trust in the sender, exciting topics, and a professional layout determine the success of a newsletter campaign. We all receive a large number of emails every day. Sender, subject line, and preheader determine which emails we pay attention to. Company name and person should be mentioned in the sender. That conveys seriousness. The respective person should also be named in the footer. The company logo can also be displayed in the inbox.

The subject line should briefly and concisely reflect the actual content of the newsletter and arouse curiosity. A maximum of 80 characters is recommended, although this number is no longer fully displayed in every app or push message. The pre-header extends the subject line. Personalization and formulations with call-to-action lead to higher open rates. Anesthetic templates incorporate design, exciting teasers, and a personal salutation arouse interest. Call-to-actions are the be-all and end-all for the success of an email newsletter.

In terms of appearance, the company and the brand should be recognizable at a glance. With suitable software, this can be done with an editor. IT skills are not required. Pictures, graphics, and coherent color management increase the success. Choose the salutation that suits the company. Trendy start-ups address the recipients like you, while the courtesy form is more appropriate for emails to business contacts in the B2B segment.

In short teaser texts, convince the readership to click on the links to products, services, and news articles. Don’t reveal too much in the teaser. The call-to-action is individually adapted to the topic and brings the interested parties to the website, landing pages, shop, or blog. Contact information, company data, imprint, information on data protection, and sources belong in the footer. You can also place quality seals and links to partner companies in the footer. The newsletter is now ready to be sent. Test the display beforehand and choose the shipping period carefully. This has a significant impact on the opening rate.

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Legal Aspects

To avoid costly and unnecessary warnings, observe the requirements of the Telemedia Act (TMG), the  Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), and the General  Data Protection  Regulation (GDPR) when sending newsletters. Software tools contain practical tips for complying with the legal framework. Use the double opt-in procedure when setting up the newsletter mailing list. Interested parties confirm via a registration link that they want to be included in the mailing list. Only ask for necessary data such as email address and name in the registration form. Of course, the imprint and data protection declaration cannot be missing in the newsletter.

Many factors influence the success of a newsletter. Comprehensive A / B tests help to identify optimization potential and perfect email marketing.

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