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What Is Content Marketing: Definition, Guide, Strategy + Examples

Content marketing is not an entirely new invention and also exists offline. But above all, the Internet, with its many possibilities and necessities to attract attention, has promoted this marketing tool. Find out, among other things, what its characteristics and goals are, what forms there are, and how to create a strategy for them.

Content Marketing: The Four Most Important Questions At A Glance

What is content marketing actually about? Before you read on and delve deeper into the subject, the following four questions give you an overview of the most important facts:

  • What is content marketing?

Companies draw attention to themselves by regularly creating and distributing high-quality content with added value for users.

  • What are the goals of content marketing?

Companies want to win and retain customers, present their expertise and increase awareness of their brand.

  • What are the main types of content?

The most popular types of content are advice or blog articles, videos, infographics, and online tools.

  • What is the difference between advertising?

In advertising, the focus is on presenting the product or the brand; in content marketing, the benefit of the respective content for interested parties has priority.

There are good reasons why content marketing has become an essential tool in inbound marketing. Learn more about its advantages and the differences to classic advertising in the next section.

Why Is Content Marketing Worthwhile?

Good content marketing is time-consuming. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile because it complements classic marketing methods and addresses potential customers differently. It is suitable for both B2C and B2B areas.

Content Marketing vs. Advertising

In contrast to advertising, content marketing is not primarily about presenting one’s products or services. Instead, high-quality information should help to solve the information needs and problems of customers and interested parties.

The content made available free of charge can have different formats and appeal to different senses. It’s either about providing helpful information to the prospect or entertaining them.

The content also relates to the company’s offers. However, these are not the focus. Because the essential requirement of the content is its benefit for the customer.

Content Marketing – The Benefits

Content marketing is part of a company’s overall marketing strategy. It is not intended to replace traditional advertising but to complement it. Because it offers the following advantages:

  • Helpful content is not identified as advertising by interested parties and is therefore perceived more consciously.
  • Content marketing already speaks to people before they even develop the need for a particular product and when there is already an interest in buying.
  • Interested parties perceive the benefits gained from the content as positive and transfer this image to the brand.
  • High-quality content is also the prerequisite for search engine optimization of your website and social media marketing.
  • Doting Word Solutions offer content creation services as they create unique content, which is easy to understand without any technical jargon and attracts the users. The content also includes the relevant keywords, which will help in curating the business efficiently.

These advantages apply to both private consumers and business customers. However, the focus is somewhat different in both areas.

Also Read: What Is Click-Through Rate & How To Calculate It?

Content Marketing In The B2C And B2B Area

When looking for the machines, materials, or other B2B products and services they need, buyers get very detailed information. This is why content marketing is also worthwhile in the B2B area.

However, for potential business customers, in contrast to B2C marketing, the focus is less on the entertaining aspect but more on information related to the product or the industry. This applies all the more, the more complex and in need of explanation they are. Typical formats are, therefore, white papers, webinars, and case studies.

What Are The Goals Of Content Marketing?

Content marketing has a short-term but also a long-term effect. Get to know the main goals and find out what exactly is involved in acquiring new customers.

The main goals

As with all other forms of marketing, content marketing focuses on particular goals. These are mainly the following four aspects:

  • Increase in brand awareness :

The presence of the target group in everyday life, both online and offline, is a prerequisite for the perception and growth of the brand. Content marketing works particularly well in combination with SEO and social media marketing.

  • Positioning as an expert :

By publishing high-quality content, a company publicly presents its expertise. That creates trust.

  • Acquisition of new customers :

If you are looking for specific content, you will also be interested in related products sooner or later. Content marketing can control this effect in a targeted manner.

  • Customer loyalty :

If a company publishes valuable content regularly, it stays in the mind of its customers. These will then also be bought there in the future.

Building the brand, trust, and loyalty is more of a long-term affair. The acquisition of new customers, which is described in more detail in the next section, should also work in the short term.

Concrete goals in the area of customer acquisition

The acquisition of new customers through content marketing is an inbound marketing approach since potential customers should find the company on their initiative and are not addressed directly. The following specific goals can be the focus:

  • Sales :

Anyone interested in a specific topic and perhaps already intends to buy can usually find out more online. If he finds good content from a company this way and can then click through to the associated online shop, the probability of a purchase is high.

  • Lead generation :

This works in a similar way to selling through content marketing. The only thing here is collecting contact details, for example, by signing up for a newsletter. Lead generation is the focus, especially for products and services that require explanation.

  • Cookie marking for remarketing :

Many websites set cookies for their visitors so that they can see appropriate advertising elsewhere. When a user visits a page with content that is of interest to him, he will later see advertisements for the company that published the content on other pages.

Content marketing can be designed in very different ways. Find out more about the possible channels and formats below.

Content types & channels

On the one hand, there is content in various forms; on the other hand, it can also be distributed differently. Individual variants are suitable depending on the one hand on the target group and the specific purpose that content marketing is supposed to fulfill.

Content Marketing Channels

You certainly associate content marketing with content that is published online. But there are also offline channels. These include B. Print publications such as customer magazines or information material. Even events such as lectures or seminars can be counted among them, as content is conveyed there.

However, content marketing in the online space has a much more significant meaning. There are also several ways of publishing this, e.g., B .:

  • Content on the company website, e.g., B. in the category information center, lexicon, customer reports
  • Blog with helpful or entertaining posts regularly.
  • Guest articles on other sites
  • Social media
  • Newsletter

In the next section, you will learn what different forms of informative or entertaining content can have.

Also Read : Content Marketing Strategy – Advertising With Added Value

Types Of Content In The Online Area

Content can have different characteristics. This is why it is often beneficial to combine several types of content. The choice is vast, as the following examples show:

  • Advice articles :

Advice articles are primarily published as blog articles. In addition to quality, regularity and keyword optimization are also important here because these are important SEO factors.

  • Stories: In

In contrast to guides, these are primarily entertaining in character but are published similarly. People love stories, which is why good storytelling is often very successful.

  • Whitepaper :

Whitepapers are more extensive summaries of information about specific products or solutions, especially in the technical and IT areas. They are mostly offered for download.

  • Videos :

Videos appeal to multiple senses and are very popular with many users. Explanatory but also entertaining videos are suitable for content marketing. Tutorials are an excellent example of this.

  • Podcasts :

Podcasts are good for listening to while listening to, e.g., B. during sports or on the way to work. They are therefore popular and can, for. B. contain thematic information or interviews.

  • Infographics :

With infographics, many facts can be presented very clearly. They are often part of specialist articles.

  • Case studies :

These shows, e.g., B. How a company’s product helped solve a problem. The content form is also widespread in the B2B area.

  • E-books :

Downloading a free e-book is an excellent way to generate leads. The topic should fit the company but still be of general interest.

  • Online tools :

Whether as a comparison calculator or product configurator, useful tools help customers make their decisions.

  • Webinars: In

In addition to conveying information, webinars offer the opportunity to exchange ideas. They are also common in the B2B sector.

  • User-Generated Content :

This is content that is created by users, e.g., B. as experience reports or photos. This content is considered particularly authentic.

  • Games :

Small games are popular with users. They are motivated to deal with the brand actively.

The selection of suitable content forms also depends on the respective goals and is part of the strategy for content marketing.

Content Marketing Strategy: Step by Step to Success

Successful content marketing cannot be done on the side but requires a good strategy. This includes the following steps:

Goal definition :

What do you mainly want to achieve with content marketing? Is the focus on direct sales promotion, or is it more about long-term goals such as branding or customer loyalty?

Target group definition :

Define properties of your target group, e.g., B. Age, interests, and purchasing power. Your entire further procedure must be based on the needs of the target group.

Choosing the type of content :

Think about which types of content will best reach your target group. Who z. B. sells fabrics and sewing materials, can publish simple patterns, instructions, and video tutorials.

Topic finding :

Topics your content covers must be helpful for your target audience. In the center z. B. the advisory character, problem-solving, inspiration, or entertainment.

Keyword research :

Keyword research not only provides you with suggestions for topics. It is essential for search engine optimization so that your content can be found.

Content planning :

Your content marketing needs a coherent overall concept. Especially for long-term goals, regularity is also essential. You should therefore plan your content and publications with foresight.

Content creation :

Would you like to do this yourself, or would you prefer to commission it? Also, plan the costs for it.

Publishing :

You may need to set up channels first; B. a particular category on your website or a social media profile. Then you can publish the content regularly.

Content seeding :

Spread your content on as many channels as possible if you are z. For example, if you have published an advisory article on your website, share it on your social networks and include the link in the newsletter.

Monitoring :

Check the success of your content marketing using suitable vital figures such as sales, leads, or page views. Change your measures if you do not see success.

The most important thing in content marketing is the quality of the content. The following section explains what is essential for this.

Seven tips for quality content

High-quality content is the most critical success factor for content marketing. You can only achieve the desired effects if you can inspire your users. Pay attention to the following requirements:

  • Create unique content :

Do not copy anything from other sites. Even when you deal with the same topic, you may incorporate other aspects or look at it from different angles.

  • Offer high added value :

The content must be helpful for your customers. Either he provides information, or he entertains.

  • Focus on customer benefit :

The presentation of your offers should take a back seat. It is primarily about what the customer is looking for, e.g., B. the solution to a specific problem.

  • Keep an eye on the target group :

Orientate yourself on which content forms, which style, and which address your target group prefers. Seniors should z. B. address differently than young adults.

  • Combine different types of content :

Above all, add images, infographics, and videos to text contributions. This offers variety, appeals to several senses, and increases intelligibility.

  • Note suitability for mobile devices :

More and more Internet users access content with smartphones or tablets. Ensure that this works without any problems and that it B. an infographic can still be easily recognized on the smartphone.

  • Implement corporate communication: Your corporate communication should convey a uniform image, especially in address and style. Avoid z. For example, addressing your readers with “you” in blog posts but with “you” in videos.

In addition to these tips, SEO aspects are also important because your users should find the content via Google or other search engines.

Content Marketing & SEO

Content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) are mutually dependent. On the one hand, a good position on the search results pages is crucial for your content to be found. On the other hand, regularly published and above all high-quality content are important factors for a good ranking.

SEO involves several measures. One of the most important ones, which plays a role especially for content creation, is keyword research. This enables you to analyze the search terms with which interested parties are looking for your offers and to what extent the competition is already using them.

It has proven beneficial to optimize a page for a good keyword or keyword combination for a good ranking. You can analyze which one you choose best for this with tools such as the Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest. This enables you to see how high the search volume of individual search terms is and to what extent the keywords are already being used. This results in the chances of success for a good position on the search results page.

Even more complex is a WDF * IDF analysis, which also takes the context of the keywords into account and suggests additional terms that should appear in the text. There are tools for this, too, e. B. on They can also help you find content ideas.

Content seeding: Disseminate and share high-quality content

You have already achieved a lot with high-quality content and a good ranking. Nevertheless, you should also actively share your content. Because not every user finds the articles on your website via Google. Social media and newsletters have proven their worth in particular for sharing.

With a higher reach, the likelihood that you will receive backlinks, i.e., that other pages link to your posts, also increases. This is not only a critical SEO factor; it also strengthens your brand in the long term.

When creating content, consider working with influencers in practical situations. You will generally incur costs for this, but you benefit from the wide range of these multipliers.

Conclusion: attention through a focus on benefits

With content marketing, you can sustainably strengthen your brand, retain customers but also win new customers. It is an excellent addition to classic advertising that will help you get attention in other ways.

With all the content you create for it, focus on the benefit for the customer. Don’t forget about search engine optimization and seeding for a high reach of your content.

Tech Gloss
Tech Gloss is a site dedicated to publishing content on technology, business news, Gadget reviews, Marketing events, and the apps we use in our daily life. It's a great website that publishes genuine content with great passion and tenacity.