What Is Kernel Function In Machine Learning?

What Is A Kernel Function?

Machine learning has evolved positively over the years, and out of all the techniques invented, kernel functions are vital, especially in algorithms like support vector machines. They are termed “kernel function” if you have been through some of the machine learning courses in your life. In this post, I will discuss what kernel functions are, the basic types of kernel functions, why they are essential, and how they are used in machine learning models.

Introduction To The Concept Of Kernel Function

The kernel function is a Machine Learning technique that enables one to work in higher-dimensional space without calculating coordinates. In the kernel function, the dot products of every two pictures of the data in the feature space are computed.

Suppose you have a set of data points that a straight line cannot classify. They theorized that it might be hard to classify these locations using even a simple SVM-style linear classifier due to the overlapping boundaries. This is where the kernel trick and the feature space come into play, and these ideas are core to the understanding of Kernel methods. If it becomes separable in higher dimensional space, you can first map your data into the higher dimensional using the kernel function and then classify it.

Kernel functions are wonderful because they do not impose the need to map features, which is usually tiresome. The kernel function implicitly achieves this transformation without the need to know what the transformation does. It simply performs the dot product in the new space. This greatly simplifies our problem and also saves a significant amount of computation.

Role Of Kernel Functions In Machine Learning

Most of the algorithms like Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Gaussian Processes, and even Support Vector Machines (SVMs)) depend heavily on what is called kernel functions. Simply put, a kernel function’s role is to ensure that all these algorithms operate in a higher-dimensional space that makes it possible to persuasively solve complex problems such as clustering, regression, and classification.

For instance, in Support Vector Machines (SVMs), the kernel function plays a crucial role in defining the right hyperplane to segregate the data points into various classes. Thus, with the help of the kernel function, the SVM can make boundaries in a feature space that is non-linear in the original input space.

Types Of Kernel Functions

It should be noted that several kernel functions can be used depending on the type of data being dealt with and the problem to solve. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Linear Kernel

There are two basic kinds of kernel functions; the first is called linear kernel. It is used when the data is already linearly separable or nearly so. The definition of a linear kernel is:

K(x, y) = x^T y

Such kernel use is similar to working directly in the original input space, comparable to having no kernel.

2. Polynomial Kernel

Polynomial kernel characterizes vectors (training samples) in the space of polynomials of the initial variables. The polynomial kernel is defined as

\[K(x, y) = [ x^T y + c]^d\]

Here, \( c \) is independent, and \( d \) stands for the degree of the polynomial. This kernel can learn more complicated examples than the linear kernel.

3. Radial Basis Function (RBF) Or Gaussian Kernel

This RBF kernel is the most common kernel used to implement the SVM. It’s defined as:

\[K(x, y) = \exp(-\gamma \| x – y \|^2)\]

While \( \| x – y \|^2\) stands for the squared Euclidean distance between the two vectors in this equation, with \( \gamma \) being the parameter that defines the spread of the kernel. The RBF kernel is especially suitable for modeling complex relationships since it can transform data into a high-dimensional space.

4. Sigmoid Kernel

The sigmoid kernel is closely related to neural networks as it is similar to the activation function of those networks. It’s defined as:

\[K(x, y) = \tanh(\alpha \cdot x^T y + c)\]

In this case, the parameters are \( \alpha \) and \( c \). Although it is not as widely used as the RBF or polynomial kernels, it is still helpful in some circumstances.

Choosing The Right Kernel

The kernel function determines the accuracy of your machine-learning model. It depends on the kind of data you have and the specific problem you are trying to solve.

  • Linear Kernel: As with the linear kernel, the simplest is often the best when the data is linearly separable or nearly so.
  • Polynomial Kernel: The kernel you encountered today is the polynomial kernel. I explained this by choosing a kernel based on the data you will analyze. It is suitable when your data has at least some polynomial character and is not linearly separable.
  • RBF Kernel: The RBF Kernel has more flexibility, especially if you are not sure of the data type that your kernel will encounter. While it may be expensive regarding computation time, it proves useful in almost all cases.
  • Sigmoid Kernel: This kernel may be helpful in particular situations where the data has attributes similar to those employed in neural network algorithms.

Applications Of Kernel Functions In Support Vector Machines

Kernel functions can deal with complex data, including non-linear data, and therefore, they can be used in different problems. Below mentioned are a few examples:

Classification Of Images

In image classification problems, Data points (images) often contain complex patterns that are not separable by a hyperplane in feature space. These data points can be taken to a higher dimensional space containing a different border using Kernel functions, especially the RBF Kernel.

Text Classification

Kernel functions, including text classification, are widely applied to natural language processing (NLP) tasks. As text data is often high-dimensional and sparse, kernels aid in efficient pattern discernment.

Anomaly Detection

Kernel functions enable one to find complicated anomalies that could not be identified in the original input space when anomaly detection is used to identify outliers or strange forms of a data set.


Using kernel functions applies to problems with high-dimensional and non-linear data, including gene expression analysis and protein structure prediction.


Kernel functions are one of the central concepts used within learning algorithms, especially in SVM. They save us from the computational complexity that directly projects the data on higher dimensional space and allows us to operate on these spaces. Depending on the choice of the kernel function, the degree of correct decision to complex, nonlinear tasks also increases.

Understanding kernel functions and their applications will significantly enhance your capability of engineering and deploying effective machine-learning models. Kernel functions can help you with work such as anomaly detection, text processing, image classification, etc.

When you learn machine learning more deeply, I expect you to try different kernel functions and decide how they influence the necessary performance of your models. It was observed that a good model and a flawed model can be distinguished in quality depending on which kernel is used.

Learn More: How To Become A Machine Learning Engineer?

Keziah Samuel
Keziah Samuel
Keziah Samuel is a Technical Content Writer at Tech Gloss. She has an insatiable curiosity about technology and writing has been her passion. She loves to explore the nuances of developing technologies and provides readers with guidance on navigating the quickly changing digital landscape. Her publications include on the topics like tech, 5G, Internet & telecom, AI.