What Is The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Education?

Artificial intelligence (AI) in education is already a reality and is transforming the management and instruction of students in different parts of the world. This technology balances human and artificial knowledge, generating students’ complete and targeted learning.

To clarify how AI can contribute to teaching and present applications in the educational environment, the following topics will be addressed: 

  • Benefits of AI in education;
  • AI trends in education;
  • Technology for the school’s future.

What Is AI? 

It is the area of ​​computing that develops devices capable of simulating the cognitive abilities of human beings. That is, skills related to perception, reasoning, decision making, etc.

Through data analysis and patterns, AI “learns” these characteristics and develops its perceptions when exposed to different environments, according to the purpose of its development. 

In addition, it also relates to other technological areas. However, contrary to what many think, this innovation did not come to take the place of people but to assist in the execution of certain activities.

Benefits In Education 

When applied to teaching, AI provides benefits for students and teachers. Below are some of the prominent examples.

Personalization Of Teaching

The possibility of personalizing education is, without a doubt, one of the significant advantages of this technology. After all, it allows the school to quickly visualize which subjects generate more interest and which are the most critical difficulties of students, for example.

In other words, teachers gather essential information that allows learning personalization according to the classes’ needs. In this way, the institution can explore students’ maximum potential in a differentiated way instead of simply following the traditional teaching pattern.

Expansion Of Learning

AI also helps to break the boundaries of knowledge. After all, students can study wherever and whenever they want.

This innovation also has other applications, such as digital literacy (ability to read and write on electronic device screens) and the proficient use of technological resources.

Automation Of Bureaucratic Processes

Automating bureaucratic processes is also one of the advantages of this technology, and even teachers can take advantage of this facility.

A survey conducted in 2020 by the McKinsey consultancy with educators from the United States, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and Canada pointed out that these professionals dedicate 50 hours a week to prepare and apply the classes. However, just over a quarter of that time (about 13 hours) could be automated with the support of essential AI solutions.

Feedback About Teaching

Providing AI-generated feedback on each student’s teaching is also a significant benefit, as it significantly contributes to faculty work. In this process, the teacher has access to the students’ individual difficulties, being able to monitor their progress and be aware of what needs to be improved, according to the reports.

AI Trends In Education

There are many ways to apply AI in education. The most notable ones will be described below.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that blends the virtual and real worlds. It allows students to visualize, in 3D, the content taught, making the class more dynamic and exciting. 

By placing the AR device over a book, for example, it is possible to digitally include images that will make the process more interactive and simple, in addition to increasing student engagement.

Cloud Computing

Through Cloud Computing, users can store files remotely and share them with others with internet access anytime and anywhere.

In this way, it is possible to carry out interactive and collaborative work at a distance. Students can do their schoolwork simultaneously and edit and exchange information in the same file remotely, without face-to-face meetings.

This technology also helps teachers correct and submit materials wherever they are.

Smart Tutor

Another popular AI trend is the intelligent tutor system. The tool provides individual adaptive teaching, approaching the behavior of a human teacher within the classroom. Thus, remote activities can be performed with greater precision, enhancing training results.

This feature can also collect important information about the student and create activities by their learning level. Depending on the system, the student can ask questions to the virtual teacher, who answers according to the database.


Gamification is another method that can be applied in education through AI. This strategy seeks to bring game elements — such as questions, challenges and rankings — into the content covered in the classroom, encouraging students to advance and overcome each obstacle.

The great advantage of using this technology is the system’s ability to understand the difficulties and skills of individual students, offering activities aligned to each one’s level of knowledge. In this way, it ends up being simpler to keep students’ interest in the proposed activities, preventing them from getting bored or discouraged because of the difficulty of the exercises.

Technology For The School’s Future

Even with the current advancement, the implementation of AI in the industry is still under development. It is necessary to break the barriers of inequality to assess the actual impact on the learning process.

The initial results are encouraging, but professionals in the field need to continue debating the topic and analyzing the possibilities. So far, the consensus is that AI can make education more effective, but it will depend on how it is implemented.

In this way, the sector can finally advance in the digital transformation, highlighting new learning models and ensuring the best development of students, regardless of their social conditions.

Also Read: Impacts Of Artificial Intelligence On Sales

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