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E-commerce: Technologies That Are Transforming Online Commerce

Knowing that technology can be another ally, we will see some technologies for online e-commerce in this post. Many of them are already well known, but the current growth of e-commerce has only leveraged their use. 

Live Content And Live Shopping  

You have probably noticed, on your social media, a  significant increase in lives. Translated into numbers, according to  Business Insider, that impression meant a 70% increase in the number of live streams on Instagram alone in March. Did you also notice that many of them are from companies? 

Live broadcasts, whether for sale or product demonstration, are another trend that has been consolidating.

What is so interesting about live content and live shopping is the possibility of talking to the seller in real-time to answer your questions and see the product from different angles. This makes the tool more interesting than recorded videos, for example. 

From the salesperson’s point of view, it is a way to get to know your audience, strengthen relationships with customers and prospects, promote a new experience and sell. 

Autonomous Showcase With AI 

A refinement of custom storefronts, autonomous storefronts are thought, created and displayed automatically by artificial intelligence that analyzes consumer navigation. 

Artificial intelligence also automatically measures and evaluates the windows’ performance, making changes and A/B tests to improve the conversion. 

3D Images 

Would you buy a product without seeing it? Chances are small, right? This is the power of image in e-commerce, the factor that most influences purchase intent. And yet, it’s hard to guarantee that shoppers get the exact idea of ​​what they will buy on e-commerce sites. 

Now forget about 2D photos, and let’s go to another level of e-commerce product visualization. Imagine interacting with products the same way you do in a physical store, turning it from all sides to view it from multiple angles.

Augmented Reality 

With 3D images, you are one step away from augmented reality.  

With it, consumers can, in addition to viewing products from various angles, place them in environments or even test them on themselves. 

Companies like Threekit, for example, use the same technology used to produce film visual effects, managing to create images with impressive visual fidelity. 

Augmented reality has been, at this moment, a way to engage consumers, who end up relating to products in an even more complex way than in person. 

So, if your competitor offers the possibility to customize and see how the product looks with augmented reality, they will probably sell more than you. 

Freight With Autonomous Vehicles 

As a result of the growth in online sales, shipping or delivery is on the rise and in search of automation. And a technology that could revolutionize the home delivery industry is autonomous vehicles.

In addition, drones can be mentioned, which, even if driven remotely, already give the taste of autonomous freight.  

Virtual Voice And Chat Assistants 

Virtual assistants and chatbots were gradually taking the place of call centers. But, with the pandemic, the key has turned to the massive use of technologies based on conversational artificial intelligence. 

A  survey by Capgemini  brings interesting data about virtual assistants:  

  • Consumer acceptance and satisfaction with interactions with virtual assistants are growing: 72% say they trust the company more when they have a good experience with conversational AI.  
  • 74% of organizations consider technology important for customer engagement. 

Technologies In Online Commerce: A Trend That Is Here To Stay 

As we’ve been talking about, the new normal in sales is omnichannel, contactless, self-service, customer-centric, and the pursuit of retention. 

These new habits aren’t just going to disappear once everything gets back to normal. The trend is radicalization so that people will demand even better shopping experiences in e-commerces.  

So now is the time to embrace the new way people shop and ensure those expectations are met. 

Also Read: E-commerce What Is It?

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