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HM Meaning Text – Stands For In Snapchat, Social Media, Video Games & More

HM is an acronym that stands for the letters ‘Hm’ on Snapchat. It is an indication of thinking, reflection or doubt. It is used in cases when people want to reply to something they just read and find interesting or even if they are thinking of their response. I found that the meaning of the word does not change much, even if it is used within the conversational context.

What Does “HM” Mean?

“HM” commonly stands for “Hmm.” It is a common term people use while thinking or when they are in the process of expecting. Suppose you walk up to a friend and ask her what she wants for dinner, and she answers HM. In this regard, the term “HM” denotes the kind of sound that people make when they are really confused or deep in thought. It is an informal way to think and pause, just like in real life, when you’re likely to say ‘uhuh’ when still processing and not ready to give an immediate response.

Some Examples Of The Use Of “HM” Are In Text Conversations

To make things clearer, here are a few examples of how “HM” might be used in text conversations:

  1. Friend 1: A movie has recently surfaced. Would you like to comment?

Friend 2: Hm, I’m not quite certain. It looks interesting, though.

  1. Friend 1: Shall we go out and eat pizza or buy burgers?

Friend 2: HM, I thought we could do burgers or something like that. I do like pizza, though I could definitely do without it.

  1. Friend 1: Are you going to be there tonight?

Friend 2: HM, I am still in between. I’ll let you know!

In each of these examples, ‘HM’ indicates that the person is considering or is in a state of indecision. It does not respond with a clear-cut ‘yes’ or ‘no’ directly, yet one is made aware that the matter in consideration is being thought through.

Other Meanings Of “HM”

But “HM” means “Hmm” or “I’m thinking,” or if used in a very formal setting, the following are some of its meanings. Here are a few additional ways “HM” can be used.

  1. HM as the meaning of ‘Handsome’ or a ‘Hot Mess’

In some cases, people might use “HM” as shorthand for “handsome” or “hot mess.” For example,

Friend 1: That new actor in the movie is so HM!’

Friend 2: Well, he is a handsome guy, you know.

  1. HM as Short for “High Maintenance”

Some people might also use “HM” to describe someone who is “high maintenance.” This means the person might be demanding or require a lot of attention.

Friend 1: She is awesome, but she is quite HM (High Maintenance).

Friend 2: Yes, but she is the one who requires the care most of the time.

  1. HM for “Her Majesty”

Though this is less common in casual texting, “HM” can stand for “Her Majesty,” especially when referring to a queen in formal contexts.

Friend 1: There are such rumors, HM the Queen?

Friend 2: Yes, it was very a surprise!

In these examples, “HM” means one thing in front of one speaker and another thing in front of the other. It is mostly used to mean “Hmm” (as in thinking), though its usage varies.

What Does HM Stand For In Texting And Chatting

If you use ‘HM’ in any text message or stumble upon it as a post on any social platform, then there is no other way but to understand it based on the conversation. Ask yourself: Does the person answer something or let the speaker know he or she is still processing it? If so, they probably use the abbreviation “HM” to mean “Hmm.” So, the conclusions that can be drawn from the abbreviation “HM” are as follows:

On the other hand, if “HM” is used as an abbreviation of a term in a particular context different from the ones mentioned above, it can have the following meanings: handsome, high maintenance and so on.

HM stands for “how about,” or “have a look at,” or is an abbreviation of “I’ll meet.” It means ‘let me add.’

Why Do People Use HM?

As mentioned, there are several reasons why people use “HM.” The first concern as to why it is so prevalent is that it is rather simple to type. In Texting, people are always on the lookout for new shortcuts, ways and means by which a message can be conveyed in the shortest time possible.

The other factor is that by using “HM,” people can avoid hesitating and pausing in the discussion. If a person writes ‘HM,’ it means that he understands the topic being discussed and is even willing to ponder it.

Similar Expressions To “HM”

If you want to expand your knowledge of common texting abbreviations like “HM,” here are a few similar expressions that are used to convey thinking or hesitation.

  1. IDK – an abbreviation of the phrase “I don’t know,” it comes up when one cannot answer a particular question.
  2. TBH – An acronym that stands for To be honest, this is used when a person wants to be sincere when giving his or her opinion about something.
  3. UM – This is used when a person has not yet composed his or her answer, similar to the use of “HM.”

These all have virtually the same use as ‘HM,’ enabling people to convey a message at speed yet providing the option of expressing thought or confusion.


In conclusion, HM is used largely in texting and social media, mostly with reference to ‘Hmm’ or ‘I’m thinking, which can be implied or can be used with a pause by someone to consider an answer. The abbreviation “HM,” as applied to text messaging, generally holds the meaning of: ‘he or she is thinking,’ but its other uses include ‘handsome,’ ‘high maintenance,’ or ‘Her Majesty.’

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