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How To Improve The User Experience Of Your Site

The checklist, best practices, and mistakes to avoid on your company pages in order not to lose customers

If it is true that even in 2021, the site proves to be the inevitable tool for corporate communication and marketing, it is also true that it must be built in a certain way.

What every entrepreneur wants is to be noticed by the public. However, many entrepreneurs miss that the customer needs to be welcomed, guided, and pampered. 

People must have a pleasant experience when approaching a company, its products, and services. An experience that also passes through the site.

You need to make sure everything is working correctly on your site. Some elements help the stay on the site and influence the public’s preference; others make it flee. The result was a failed sale.

What Are The Characteristics Of A Good Site?

The user experience is on everyone’s lips. It talks about its need, benefits, and how to design it appropriately.

We experience online browsing firsthand every day, we are users of other sites, and we have become accustomed to a specific type of hospitality.

When something doesn’t work as expected, we are ready to leave the pages quickly. It happens to everyone.

Avoid your audience getting into this unpleasant situation. Put it at ease on a site that respects these elements :

  • clear and immediate communication
  • evident positioning concerning the target that is, concerning who it is addressed to
  • the company’s goal is also presented through the CTAs
  • constant updating of contents
  • responsive site
  • good page and content loading speed
  • the intuitive and practical navigation interface
  • absence of extra elements that are not functional and can be confusing
  • the balance between text and images on each page
  • help the readability of the text with bolds, italics, spaces …
  • clean and error-free code
  • lack of 404 errors.

The foundation for a site to help you grow your business is set up. Now it must be translated into practice.

When Is A Site Usable?

The evaluation of a site’s navigability passes through numerous facets, some quite substantial.

To help you keep customers on your pages, let’s see together some elements that are not always paid the proper attention and help you present a genuinely usable site.

The Navigation Menu

Place the menu in a visible and immediately accessible position. Better if at the top, both for a matter of habit and for the practicality with which it allows you to find what you are looking for without effort.

Remember that the drop-down menu is practical and functional to order the contents and guide the user. But be careful not to overdo the subheadings. The risk is to have the opposite effect, to make people lose themselves in a forest of voices.

The Clicks To Get To The Product Pages

How many clicks does it take for people to move between your pages? Start with this question and reduce this number as much as possible. The fewer clicks, the easier it is to navigate. 

Another essential aspect is to address the movements correctly. Let people know where they are on the site, how to get from page to page, and go back if necessary. Better to streamline these processes as much as possible. 

Don’t forget to make contact information and other valuable details accessible, perhaps about sales and payments, as few clicks as possible.

Search Bar

Sometimes we are all a little lazy. Maybe some of your potential customers are just as they browse your site.

What could happen? He may not feel like searching the menu or turning several pages to find what he needs.

A search bar would help you find the answers you want by entering just a few keywords.

The advantage is not only for lazy customers but also if your site is very large or your products and services are very numerous.

In short, allow those who want to go straight to the point to save time and speed up the buying process—a profit for customer satisfaction, a profit for your company.

The Layout Of The Website

Of course, the site must be fully functional, but you can’t just throw away the elements that make it up.

The layout must be taken care of to catch the eye and guide navigation. Therefore, combining aesthetics and functionality. The elements must be easily grasped and recognized, uniform and pleasant to each other. 

Does your layout respect these characteristics? Look at your pages and pretend you have arrived there for the first time: is the visual impact pleasant? Does the most important information stand out? Can you find everything you need?

The Contents Of The Website

A typical mistake for many companies is to assume that everyone already knows what they are talking about. In reality, it’s the exact opposite: you build your site to let people know what you do.

So ask yourself: is what you do immediately apparent to whom it lands on your pages? Are the products and services described fully and in simple words? Is the user able to grasp the actions to be taken?

In short, provide all the details, even those that seem trivial to you. And do it in understandable language. Reduce technicalities and avoid big words.

We suggest one last trick: emphasize the essential contents for you. Embed your focus concepts in headlines or display them with the help of icons.

The CTAs To Request Services

The website has a purpose; to bring it to fruition, you have to guide those who visit it. It would help if you had the Call-to-action.

CTAs help you facilitate navigation and get people right where you want, be it a page, a registration form, or a product sheet for a purchase.

As we have often repeated until now, clarity must be the watchword. Not even CTAs are an exception.

Give a few precise instructions. If the steps are different, explain the other actions as schematically as possible. 

What if someone still has doubts? Provide a FAQ page; it will help you direct people to resolve doubts and face navigation more pleasantly.

The Pop-Ups Of The Pages

It must be said immediately: it is generally better to avoid pop-ups as much as possible. However, in some cases, they are necessary; it is useless to deny them.

An offer to promote, a subscription to the newsletter, or an event to give more prominence, the opportunities are different, and you have to enhance them. 

The problem arises when pop-ups become so intrusive that they do not allow continuous and smooth browsing. If a user tries to read the page where you tell about your company, how can he proceed if he is interrupted over and over again by windows that keep opening?

It is a very annoying situation, leading the user to leave the site entirely.

Instead, try to take advantage of banners more, studying a suitable place so as not to make their presence heavy for navigation.

A similar argument can be made for the inscriptions. We know they are handy for collecting audience data but should be entered sparingly.

Like pop-ups, avoid entering subscriptions for each procedure and instead play in advance if necessary. Do you need to register users? Please do it now, don’t wait for them to start purchasing and are forced to lengthen the process.

They may change their mind, and you may see the sale fade.

The Contact Forms

If you have decided to insert a form, you want to have the reader take a specific action and perhaps collect some information.

The goal, therefore, is not to discourage or confuse users. Numerous passages, unclear steps, and too complex language could drive people away from the start.

The same goes for a form that appears too intrusive, dramatically oriented toward sales, or technical and specific. All these aspects could embarrass the user, as well as annoy.

Therefore, you prefer simplicity and immediacy. You will put the customer at ease and gladly fill out the form. 

Finally, also pay attention to error notifications and confirmation of submission. In this way, in case of problems, the user is immediately notified and does not risk having to recompile a second time, and at the end of the procedure, there is no doubt that everything has gone well.

Some small and substantial tricks allow you to take the customer wherever you want and let him enjoy the trip. And your site, does it already do all these things?

Also Read: Digital Marketing: Scenarios And Forecasts For 2022

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