Selling Successfully On Amazon – Step-By-Step Instructions.

Amazon’s market share is growing steadily. The E-Commerce Report shows how strong the online marketplace is in sales in the individual product areas. The categories electronics and computers, household and garden, toys, sport and leisure, and books and office supplies are particularly successful. Amazon has dramatically increased its shares in all areas. In the e-commerce segment, Amazon’s market share in Germany was almost 50 percent in 2019. The marketplace thus offers excellent potential for salespeople. The article provides tips for getting started as an Amazon seller.

Benefit From The Advantages Of The Online Platform

Online platforms and marketplaces bundle supply and demand. Consumers can find the products they want with just a few clicks. Convenience aspects and reliability are advantages that encourage uncomplicated online shopping. Sellers can safely start selling with the help of the platform. Amazon offers the proper infrastructure to reach buyers with its products. This simplifies the start-up and the risk-free realization of the business idea. The costly and time-consuming concept creation and implementation for an online shop are no longer necessary. The first steps start with the uncomplicated registration with Amazon Seller Central. This is where the seller account is created, which is used to manage products, Inventory, sales and marketing activities.

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Step 1: Create A Seller Account

In the first step, Amazon checks who has created the seller account. This works quickly by uploading a photo of your ID. With a unique password, you protect the seller account from misuse. It is recommended that you enable two-factor verification. A verification code is sent to the smartphone before each registration. This ensures maximum security. For the successful release of the seller account, a tax certificate must be uploaded. This serves as proof of tax registration. The obligation to do so has only existed since 2019. The exact legal requirements apply to sellers on Amazon as to e-commerce companies. An imprint, privacy policy, and a cancellation policy must be given in the profile. Ready-made legal texts and inexpensive packages simplify this step and are quickly inserted using copy-and-paste.

Step 2: Define The Settings For The Account

The next step is to optimize the profile settings. The individual shipping settings depend on whether the products are shipped worldwide or in Europe. If you want to sell items exclusively in Europe, you should select PAN-EUDeactivate shipping and storage in other countries. If the option is retained, there is a tax liability in the respective countries. The selection “Prepare unsalable customer returns” is particularly important. Products with damaged packaging are checked and are only sent back after processing. Settings in the area of ​​automatic removal determine what happens to damaged and unsaleable items. This definition eliminates the need for manual work in the event of damage. The payment details were already entered when registering the account. Advertising costs can be debited from another account or credit card or offset directly against Amazon sales.

Step 3: Add Products.

Anyone who sells on Amazon under their registered brand can record this in the Amazon Brand Registry. This creates advantages in the listing, and there are further advertising opportunities. In the inventory area, new products can be easily added and assigned to a category. The listing consists of a meaningful product title, product photos, a clear bullet points list with all necessary product features, and a more detailed description. A good listing in a niche is a guarantee of sales. Amazon’s algorithm analyzes the descriptions and provides relevant search results. A meaningful listing ensures maximum reach. However, sales figures have the most significant impact on ranking.

Analysis Tools

The sales without deducting fees and VAT are displayed directly on the homepage of the account. The amount of the profit is therefore not visible in the Amazon account. Tools like Seller board provide information about the profit level in real-time. The purchase price of the goods and ancillary costs are deducted from sales. The tool offers a direct interface to the seller account. Key figures such as the conversion rate and page impression can be called up in the account. Amazon’s sales coach has tips ready to increase sales with personalized offers.

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Manage Orders And Inventory

Seller Central lists all orders, including order details. According to the Value Added Tax Act (UStG), traders are obliged to issue an invoice. If you use Amazon’s automatic invoicing service, you specify the net price of the products, and VAT is added. If you don’t want to use a standard invoice, you can rely on invoice tools such as Easybill and Amainvoice. Individual formulations, designs, and a change of billing address are uncomplicated. The great strength of the Amazon seller account is that it can make money in e-commerce without storing and shipping the items yourself. The number of products in the Amazon warehouse can be queried under Inventory. If articles are not available, this harms the ranking. Keep an eye on the stock and send new products to Amazon regularly.

Sell ​​Successfully On Amazon.

The seller account on Amazon is quick and easy to set up. With the right strategy, you can also find the first buyers for your products. Amazon has practical online courses and videos with tips. This gives you an overview of shop functions, guidelines, and services to increase sales in advance. Details such as payment dates and variants, shipping rates, and order management are quickly explained. The billing periods and the fee amount vary depending on the choice of sales tariffs. Tips on managing products and Inventory, branding, sponsored products, and detail pages help you get started. Advertising opportunities such as lightning offers, analysis tools to increase sales, and automated price adjustments 

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