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Understanding The Basics Of Project Management For Beginners

Not everyone who is expected to manage a project will necessarily be a project management professional. Projects range in complexity from easy projects to very complex ones that require immense resources and intense planning. The common aspect with all projects is that they start small and with disjointed parts and resources and end up with a common objective in the form of a finished product. Whether it is one person or an entire team, the goal is to properly execute a plan. In this guide for nonprofessionals we look at the basics of project planning and execution from its inception to its execution. So, let’s get started.

How to Envision Your Goal

All projects start with a vision of where the end result ought to be. The process of project management has a goal in mind and this goal is first shared from the person with the vision to those who will execute it. Once everyone understands the problem, then finding the solutions become easier. Always seek to have people more skilled than you and coming from diverse skill backgrounds to ensure you fully capture every facet of the problem that exist and which might come about. Once your team is aware of the problem, then you can all agree on the best measurable outcomes.

Project Management Software and Project Management Tools for Non Professionals

After you have envisioned the solutions to your problem, you can look for a good project management software It is important to first envision the problem and the solution before seeking a software or tool. These software and tools will assist you in the next phases which involve planning, executing, monitoring, and delivering.

Project Planning Phase

Project management software have inbuilt project planning tools that will make your work easier. You are probably looking for a one-stop shop for all your planning needs and therefore, you don’t need anything so complex that would simply derail you from your project. Though with a software tool, the project planning phase may seem short and easy, it is one of the most important aspects of project management as it takes about half the time in conventional projects.

Executing your Project

Once your project is well planned and you have the resources, personnel and budget to start it, it is time to execute it as per your plan. There are some methodologies available for you to make things easier. For starters, Agile is a great way to make headway. It is easy to understand and quite versatile with a range of project types. Other software such as Trello, Google docs or even Microsoft Projects may come in handy depending on the complexity of the project.

Project Delivery

Now it is time to deliver your project. You probably made some adjustments to the project schedules or some other aspects, but these should be okay since you have communicated any changes to the relevant stakeholders. Ensure you deliver the project in a manner that meets the expectations of the stakeholders. Make sure you pay any outstanding invoices and hand over the project without any pending issues.

Also Read: Project Management Tools For Freelancers And Startups At A Glance

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