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Unlock iPhone 13 With Mask: All Steps Explained

Mouth and nose protection is essential for many people these days. However, if you want to unlock an iPhone with a mask or sometimes only wear a thick scarf, you will come across the limits of Face ID. So that you don’t have to enter a code on your mobile phone, Apple has introduced an alternative with an iOS update. Here we show you how, for example, you can unlock your iPhone 13 with a mask and what you have to pay attention to.

With the update to iOS version 14.5, Apple has integrated a new feature. Your iPhone recognizes when you are wearing a mask and wants to unlock the device using face recognition. If you also use an Apple Watch, your iPhone will be successfully unlocked despite the obstacle. However, some requirements must be met for this.


To use the feature, you have to check off the following points in addition to iOS version 14.5 (or newer):

  • Your iPhone must be able to use Face ID, i.e., at least an iPhone X (or newer).
  • You need an Apple Watch Series 3 (or newer).
  • At least watchOS 7.4 (or newer) must be installed on your Apple Watch.

In addition, of course, the Apple Watch should already be paired with the respective iPhone that you are using. In addition, the manufacturer specifies other requirements so that you can, for example, unlock a new iPhone 13 with a mask. The function also helps you with sunglasses or ski goggles:

  • You should be wearing the watch on your wrist and have wrist recognition activated. In addition, a code must be set up, and the smartwatch must be unlocked.
  • Bluetooth and WiFi must be activated on both the iPhone and the Apple Watch. However, a connection to a nearby WLAN network is not necessary.

Unlock iPhone With Apple Watch: With A Mask Or Sunglasses – That’s How It Works

If you have taken all the precautions, you can activate the function in the settings and then use it to unlock your iPhone with the Apple Watch.

  1. First, you activate the feature in the “Settings.”
  2. Tap on the menu item “Face ID & Code” and authenticate yourself with your code.
  3. Scroll to Unlock with Apple Watch” and slide the slider to the right.

As soon as you are wearing a mask or, for example, sunglasses and your Apple Watch is unlocked on your wrist, all you have to do is wake up the iPhone and look at it. The small lock will then automatically unlock without performing a face scan.

Unlocking An iPhone With A Mask Does Not Work: When The Face ID Alternative Does Not Work

Suppose your iPhone does not unlock automatically when you are masked. In that case, there can be various reasons: According to Apple, “Unlock with Apple Watch” only works if you are wearing the watch on your wrist, it is unlocked, and the iPhone is nearby. With this alternative unlocking, Face ID itself is not used for recognition.

In addition, this method cannot be used to authenticate purchases with Apple Pay or in other areas such as the iCloud keychain. It is only used to unlock the smartphone. You still have to enter a code here (or use Face ID without a mask).

Also Read: Apple Releases iOS 14.7.1 But Now You Should Update

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