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About UX Design: User experience encompasses all aspects of the customer journey of a user when interacting with a service or product and, in general, when interacting with the environment. This also includes, for example, digital user interfaces.
In this context, the term design stands for several aspects: As an aspect of design for the design of this interaction, for example: Interface design for visual communication with signs and symbols as in information systems. As an aspect of the design process: recognizing meanings for the user. The assignment of properties and meanings for defining products and services that the user can recognize and adopt. This also includes inventions that are brought onto the market.
Based on this understanding, UX design is the generic term for all management methodologies that are used to improve processes, structures, and products from the perspective of customer-centricity.
UX Design Write For Us – Contribute A Guest Post On UX Design Related Topics
- Anthropomorphic animations
- Advanced micro-interactions
- Individual learning
- Escapism
- Brand transparency
- Live collaboration
- 90s retro UI
- Augmented reality
- Illustrative Design
- Password-Less Login
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