Chrome //flags Parallel| How To Access & Download Faster In Google Chrome

What Is The Chrome //flag Parallel?

Chrome//flag parallel is a chrome flag feature that allows users to download files in parallel. Parallel downloading involves the browser having multiple connections to download a single file. This makes downloading files over a browser much faster and more efficient allowing one to download files twice as fast as earlier.

Google is one of the most, if not the most popular, companies that focus on search engine technology in the whole world, surpassing many of its competitors with its exponential progress and growth. 

It has been repeatedly referred to as the most influential company in the world and as one of the world’s most potent brands, all due to its technological advancement and market dominance which goes without saying. 

Over the years, the company has grown to offer multiple other services besides Google Search, including Gmail, Maps, Chrome, Cloud etc.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is, however, a web browser developed by Google and first released in 2008. First released as a beta version to the general public and beta testers, it is now one of the most used default browsers unknown to none, claiming an estimated 68% of the worldwide browser market share as of 2021.

It has many features and allows access to all of them with a free Google account. As a web browser, Google Chrome also allows users to access a few features labeled as experimental features. Anyone can access these features, but one must take the risk that follows into consideration.

 By enabling the features, one may potentially lose browser data, lead to more vulnerable security, or weaken its privacy. These incredible features are known as chrome flags.

What Are Chrome://flags?

Restating what has been said earlier, Chrome://flags parallel are simply new features that are experimental but not official. They are features that users can apply, although It is up to the user and their discretion as there is a risk that one should be aware of. 

Many chrome flags are available, each of which can perform different functions. Google regularly tests new features that can apply to chrome; these features can, however, be enabled manually in a few simple steps.

How To Access Chrome://flags

One can either enable, disable or set a chrome flag as default. To do this, we can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Chrome browser on a mobile phone or your PC, and ensure it is of the correct version.
  2. Type in “chrome //flags parallel” as the prompt in the chrome search bar
  3. Hit search
  4. Once that’s done, it’ll lead you straight to the chrome flag settings
  5. Here you can access all the available chrome flags

Enable Chrome://flags

To enable any particular chrome flag to follow the following steps:

  1. Type in “chrome //flags parallel” as the prompt in the chrome search bar
  2. Hit search
  3. Select the required feature
  4. Each feature will have a particular description and drop-down menu with other options 
  5. Click the enable option 
  6. The feature will be enabled

Once the flag is enabled, you will have to click the Relaunch option for the desired changes to be reflected.

Disable Chrome://flags

To disable a chrome flag, similar to the steps above:

  1. Type in “chrome //flags parallel” as the prompt in the chrome search bar
  2. Hit search
  3. Select the required feature
  4. Each feature will have a particular description and drop-down menu with other options 
  5. Click the disable option 
  6. The feature will be disabled.

While they might come off as a lot of fun, they can contain bugs that might affect your computer as they aren’t finished features. Occasionally they might crash the browser or create other issues.

In case you find yourself in a situation where you want to reset all the chrome flag features you might have enabled, all you have to do is click the “Reset all” option. This will reset all the flags to their default setting, which is how they were from the beginning.

How To Enable Chrome//flag Parallel

Enabling the chrome//flag parallel feature involves the same steps that are used to enable any chrome flag, which are:

  1. Type in “chrome //flags parallel” as the prompt in the chrome search bar
  2. Hit search and search for the keyword parallel
  3. Select the chrome//flag parallel feature
  4. The feature will have a particular description and drop-down menu with other options 
  5. Click the enable option 
  6. Click the Relaunch option at the bottom of the page
  7. The chrome//flag parallel feature will be enabled

The features can be accessed or not available on your platform. The available features include features like Tab Hover cards, which have a tab preview shown when hovered upon by the mouse pointer, or other popular features like the Global Media Controls, Force Dark Mode, Smooth Scrolling, chrome://flags parallel etc. 

These features are fantastic to use and can be played around with, as long they aren’t causing issues which is quite the possibility with them.

Therefore features like these are always available to be tried out by users of all kinds, and depending on their functions, they can be quite helpful and provide a better user experience overall. It may also not be the same in all cases as there is a risk of encountering different errors at all times. 

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