How AI Can And Will Change Processes In SMEs

Artificial intelligence,” or AI for short, has developed into one of the vast topics in the past few months and years. When it comes to technical and social progress, the question is always to what extent artificial intelligence will help us with the challenges ahead. While the debate is now developing almost in a philosophical direction, the advantages of advances in this area of ​​technology are already evident on a smaller scale. If used correctly, AI can be good support for small and medium-sized businesses. This is shown, for example, by the following tools and tools.

Data Acquisition

The collection, preparation, and processing of data are some of the significant challenges today. When companies work with a large amount of exciting data from sales, marketing, and internal processes, it is almost impossible to keep track of things. Tools like Cognos Analytics from IBM are the future here. With the built-in AI, relevant data is quickly recognized and can be output again in a targeted manner for working with specific processes. The AI ​​learns from what the users themselves do with the software. Small companies also benefit from the intelligent processing of their data, which can then be used for campaigns or the analysis of essential processes in the company.

AI Brand Design

A company’s logo is a figurehead, business card, and basis for recognition. Hardly any other element has such a comprehensive meaning in external corporate communication. So there are good reasons why your logo should be of the highest quality. But what are the appropriate graphics, fonts, and colors? Here, too, AI can help based on experience from countless logo designs. The Tailor Brands logo maker, for example, creates precisely the right logo design based on superficial information. Based on the knowledge of previous projects, the AI ​​recognizes the users’ preferences, and the additional inputs help to design results that perfectly fit their own needs. A comprehensive brand personality for your company – and above all based on artificial intelligence that learns over time.

Customer Care

Customer service is probably the area in which AI ​​has already achieved the most incredible spread. The chatbots, as they are known, for example, from large service providers in the telecommunications or energy sector, were one of the first attempts to bring adaptive software into productive use with consumers. The idea behind the development is as simple as it is ingenious. It was still the case that conversation guidelines were designed for recurring discussions in customer support in earlier times. This idea has now been easily transferred to the Internet with the help of AI and databases. There are now many providers who are constantly providing newer and more intelligent solutions in this area – one example is the service from Botox.

Chatbots have very different advantages. The top priority is, of course, that customer service can also be offered outside of traditional business hours and that there is, therefore, always a “contact person” for customers or interested parties on your website. Most of all, modern bots learn at high speed. The inquiries and questions of the users are taken over, always new links are created, and the AI algorithm ​​ensures that it quickly becomes clear to the machine what the concern of a consumer could be. The perfect example of how AI-controlled software can significantly advantage such a vital area even to small companies.

Lead Generation

When does a visitor to your online presence become a customer, and what are the reasons they did not become one? Analyzing your sales funnel is one of the main tasks in modern marketing and the most critical task in optimizing sales. Here, too, the AI ​​helps that specific steps can be optimized more easily and quickly. The AI ​​learns from the analyzed data and can notice trains of thought and hurdles in lead generation and present them effectively. For a company, this means that it can save considerable time on analysis. This allows the content to be processed and the number of stumbling blocks in the process to the new lead to be reduced. Software like Epic Insights lets the AI ​​act like a human would and can always be adapted to specific functions. Especially when market research can be expensive and very tedious, such an AI model is an excellent alternative for the sustainable optimization of your presence on the Internet.

Human Resource

Human resources are certainly one of the most sensitive areas in which AI can be used. There are good reasons why many companies rely on a comprehensive process of personal interviews, which usually take place in several rounds. Nevertheless, Paradox, for example, with its “Olivia” solution, offers an excellent example of how AI could change human resources management in the future. The assistant works here in a similar way to that of the chatbot. Fed with a large amount of information, the system not only allows the application process to be accelerated – and thus also creates a better user experience for applicants – it can also take on interviews.

So, could the human resources of companies be easily optimized? Because of the resources that fall into the recruiting process, this should be an exciting approach for many companies to save costs and employees. There are different views here too, and, especially in such a sensitive area as human resources, complete trust in AI is also an almost philosophical question.

Sufficient examples show that AI can and is already being used in a wide variety of areas. For SMEs in particular, this could result in an enormous scope for optimizing their processes in the next few years. Furthermore, we are only at the beginning of a development that will undoubtedly make significant progress in the years to come.

Also Read : What Does Artificial Intelligence Mean And How It Works?

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