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How To Secure Your Electronic Payments With NFC Technology

NFC technology is an association in light of short-range waves brought into the world in 2004 from the NFC Gathering venture of Sony, Philips, Nokia, LG and Samsung and can make a contactless distributed association between two gadgets.

Contactless Payments: How Do They Work?

Contactless payments,  literally ” contactless payments “, are those installments that offer the chance of finishing exchanges without requiring direct contact between installment instruments, for example, Mastercard’s and cell phones, and the terminals approved to get an installment.

As such, bring your installment card, cell phone or wearable gadget near the POS terminal to finish the exchange and make the installment in contactless mode.

C-less installments are imaginative, basic, quick and secure; they diminish holding up times and lines at, as far as possible, contact among clients and shippers and accelerate the look at the stage, ensuring a palatable shopping experience. The contactless installment framework depends on RFID ( Radio Recurrence Recognizable proof ) advancements, which permit exchanges to be made without embedding cards into POS. NFC ( Close to Handle Correspondence ) changes the cell phone into an electronic wallet, making installments contactless.

What Is NFC Technology?

NFC technology, the acronym for Near Field Communication, communication in proximity “, is a remote correspondence framework that works at short proximity (around 3-10 cm) and permits two gadgets to lay out a shared association with send and get installments rapidly: utilizing the NFC strategy, it is possible to move cash from your cell phone to the retailer’s POS in only a couple of moments.

NFC works at a recurrence of 13.56 MHz, arrives at the greatest transmission speed of 424 kbit/s and can be accomplished straightforwardly using an incorporated chip or through an exceptional outer card that takes advantage of the ports of SD or miniature cards SD.

How Do Transactions Using NFC Technology Work? 

To make payments with contactless NFC, the cell phone or wearable gadget and the POS terminal should be empowered for the Advanced Installment framework; if not, the exchange can’t be finished. Moreover, to pay by telephone and have an NFC-empowered cell phone, you want to download and design a Portable Installment application, for example, Apple Pay or Google Pay, to which you can relate your installment card.

The security of c-less installments is ensured by the client entering a mystery PIN or the chance of verifying the exchange utilizing biometric acknowledgement (unique finger impression or facial acknowledgement). What are the means of a C-less NFC installment with a cell phone? The client opens the cell phone and approaches it to the POS after the vendor has entered the exchange sum on the terminal empowered to get an installment. The terminal affirms the perusing of the computerized card on the cell phone and the effective installment.

NFC C-Less Payments: When Is The PIN Needed?

Contactless payment can be of any amount, but using the PIN code to enable the transaction depends on the amount. What does it mean? This means that for amounts of less than €50, the PIN is not required, and to proceed with the payment of one’s purchases, it is sufficient to bring the smartphone close to the POS terminal. Conversely, for amounts exceeding €50, the security code of the electronic wallet must be entered to complete the payment. It should also be remembered that it is possible to authenticate the transaction using biometric recognition (fingerprint or facial recognition) for smartphone payments.

What Are The Benefits Of NFC Payments?

Innovative and secure, payments based on NFC technology offer a series of advantages:

  1. They limit contact between customers and merchants and allow for compliance with social distancing rules, guaranteeing greater safety and better hygiene;
  2. They are simple, fast and reduce waiting times and queues at the till;
  3. They speed up checkout by improving the customer experience;
  4. To pay, it is not necessary to have cash or credit cards available: use your smartphone or a wearable device;
  5. They are safe because the payment data sent from your device to the POS terminal is encrypted: each transaction has a specific authorization code that can be used only once;
  6. Each contactless transaction is recorded only once, without the risk of a double charge;
  7. NFC c-less payments are less prone to possible fraudulent actions than cash payments.

How To Start Accepting Contactless Smartphone Payments?

Merchants and merchants who want to start accepting contactless NFC transactions must equip themselves with a POS card reader capable of receiving this payment type. Accept offers its customers modern and cutting-edge payment solutions, tailor-made for each type of business and aimed at improving the shopping experience and innovating the check-out phase. 

Axepta POS terminals are the perfect solution to start collecting contactless payments: from the convenient portable multifunction POS, ideal for those who manage their collections on the go inside their shop, to the more modern Hi-POS, designed to accept more innovative forms of payment – ​​such as Alipay and WeChat Pay – and guarantee the customer an incomparable shopping experience.

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