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No More Advantages From AMP: Google Is Turning Around

From mid-June 2021, Google’s page experience update will take effect, making a technology extra that the company has been determined to implement over the years: AMP – Accelerated Mobile Pages.

Initially planned for May, an update of the Google algorithm will start in June 2021, the effect of which site operators and SEO experts have struggled for years. It’s about preferring AMP as the standard for mobile websites.

SEO Joy: AMP Loses Privileges

From mid-June, Google will roll out the so-called page experience update via its ranking systems. This has several implications. Above all, it puts an end to a privilege that website operators have had to buy for six years against all concerns

The Accelerated Mobile Pages, was a construct that Google could only push into the market through privileges. Accelerated Mobile Page, an HTML subset optimized for mobile display, should make the network faster.

Flimsy Advantages Led To Tangible Privileges

From a developer and ultimately also from an SEO perspective, the most significant disadvantage of AMP has always been the exclusive focus on the format as the quasi gold standard for mobile sites. That, however, has never been the truth. Because the speed advantages of the Accelerated Mobile Pages were not based on groundbreaking technology but simply on the fact that Google had prescribed a radical downsizing of the format. Only a few HTML elements were allowed, JavaScript not at all. That this form of renunciation makes pages faster is only logical, not innovative.

Right from the start, developers had rightly pointed out that optimized mobile sites could also offer these speed advantages – without adhering to the AMP standard. AMP was never a ranking factor. The fact was, however, that only AMP content was verified with a stylish lightning icon. It was also a fact that only AMP content made it into the results carousel, which was arranged nicely high up on the search results pages.

Not anymore. AMP will retain neither the preferred labelling nor the preferred placement in the top spot. Google describes this in great detail in this note. However, Google is abolishing these two privileges and wants to increasingly rely on content in Google News and Discover on smartphones that are not delivered according to the AMP standard.

AMP Is Not Dead, Just No Longer Privileged

However, all of this does not mean that Google wants to abolish AMP altogether. Instead, technology is becoming one of many. After all, it’s not that has been detrimental to everyone. News outlets or operators of WordPress sites, in particular, liked to use the standard. With one or more plugins, a Google-compatible mobile page of your content could easily be generated. Additional developer effort was then no longer necessary. So if you want to continue to use this advantage for yourself, you can do so without hesitation. He can no longer expect preferential treatment. In any case, AMP is not dead.

Tools For AMP Site Owners Help Migrate To Page Experience

Google has even created a detailed guide that shows AMP users how to optimize their pages for the upcoming page experience update. A Corresponding Toolan Accelerated Mobile Page and provides analyzes for actionable feedback. In this way, site operators can easily see where they may need to improve to meet the criteria of the page experience update.

Google had already determined in advance that 60 percent of all AMP pages already meet the Core Web Vitals, while this was the case for only twelve per cent of the non-AMP group. 

Also Read : What Is Search Search Engine Optimization (SEO) And Its Functions?

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