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The Relationship Between Agility And Digital Transformation!

The journey of transformation and Agility the world is on today is fascinating to some while frightening to others. And you, how do you face this context?

Positioning yourself on one side or the other, it is inevitable to admit that Agility is increasingly present in the digital transformations that businesses are undergoing. Therefore, today we will talk about this critical relationship.

What Is The Relationship Between Agility And Digital Transformation? 

To put it in context, it is essential to remember that digital transformation refers to the changes happening due to the progress of new technologies and the digitalization of business.

Agile methods, on the other hand, concern a new way of managing, such that it proposes a new model that values ​​much more flexibility and focuses on the customer’s long-term will.

But what is the relationship between these two? With the dynamism of the digital age, agile methodologies have become increasingly necessary for any organizational culture, from small to large businesses.

After all, to survive a significant transformation, adaptation is necessary.

Thus, these two concepts bring together the values ​​needed to build business success and create products and services that address this context of rapid change and great Agility.

But do you know what the values ​​of an agile culture are? This is the subject of the next topic, be sure to check it out!

What Are The Values ​Of The Agile Manifesto? 

The agile Manifesto was manifested in 2001, arising from the dissatisfaction of software development professionals with the traditional way of managing the activities of the delivery of products.

Thus, they presented a different view of the business models in force at that time, transgressing expectations. Learn about the core values ​​of the Agile Manifesto:

  • Valuing the individual and interactions;
  • Appreciation of software in operation; 
  • Valuing collaboration with the client ; 
  • Loving responses to changes;
  • Very interesting.

Were you curious to understand more profoundly the differences between traditional and agile methodology? Don’t worry; this is the subject that will be addressed in the following topic!

What Are The Differences Between Traditional And Agile?

To better understand the differences between traditional and agile, it is necessary to analyze the main points of approach that change from one methodology to the other.

Regarding the scope of the work, while in the traditional methodology, detail and long planning are privileged, in agile culture, the content is much more dynamic and interactive.

The schedule is also very different in these two methodologies since the traditional one is extensive, rigid, and detailed. Already in agile, he has periodic reviews to make the relevant adjustments.

As for management, traditionally, the budget is well-defined. In agile, teams are self-managing, and resources are reviewed as needed.

In addition, the traditional methodology is marked by few changes in the initial planning, while agile, in turn, has flexibility and adaptability as its trademark.

Now that we’ve aligned on the relationship between Agility and digital transformation, the values ​​of the agile methodology, and the main difference between the two, how about understanding the benefits of this agile culture? See the next topic!

What Are The Benefits Of Agility In The Era Of Digital Transformation? 


Assertiveness is essential for progress; after all, the clearer and more transparent your goals are, the better your performance will be in achieving them, right?

Therefore, this is a positive point provided by the agile culture in the digital transformation era.


Flexibility is one of the main characteristics of Agility. This is very important so that the adaptation is a continuous process, always aiming at the best results.

The world is increasingly agile, and being flexible to keep up with the leading trends is very relevant because innovations need to happen!


Collaboration is one of the keys to success; after all, there is only a point in having a purpose if everyone involved is aligned with it and even if they do not collaborate to achieve it.


Less is more! Who has never heard that expression, right? And it also encompasses a very positive aspect involving digital transformation and Agility: simplicity.

From this perspective, simplicity refers to the uncomplicated way of dealing with problem-solving and conflict resolution and also helps make decision-making easier.

Also Read: Digital Transformation And IT: How To Connect My Business?

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